A 'homeless child' is defined by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act as a child whose parent(s) or guardian(s) have lost permanent residence and may now live with friends or family in a shelter, motel, car, or other place that is not a conventional place to reside. Each child of a homeless individual and each unaccompanied homeless youth have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education as provided to other children and youth. A homeless child may attend the district school that the child attended when permanently housed or the district school in which the child last enrolled.
Please reach out to Channahon Schools' Homeless Liaison, Lindsay Gardner, for assistance or questions or visit https://www.isbe.net/homeless.
Lindsay Gardner
McKinney-Vento Liaison
(815) 521-3076
McKinney-Vento Qualifications (English)
McKinney-Vento Qualifications (Espanol)
Will County MVA Contact, Karole Brandolino: kbrandolino@