From the Nurse ------------Will County Health Department Immunizations Clinics - (Flyer; English, Spanish) | |
Dear Parents: The following are guidelines to assist both you and school personnel to provide your child with the best school health services. 1. Observe your child every day before sending him or her back to school. If your child shows signs or symptoms of illness please keep him or her at home. We must send students back home if they continue to show these signs or symptoms of illness:
2. Notify the school if your child will be absent for any reason and why by 9:00 A.M. If you know your child will be absent in advance, please notify the teacher and the office by note at least the day before the anticipated absence. Homework requests must be made at the time of absence notification, however requests are not a guarantee that work can be obtained. 3. When should you keep your child home from school? (Click here for information) (When to keep child home chart) 3. Notify the school if your child has a contagious disease as soon as your physician diagnoses it. Notify the school if your child should develop head lice or ring worm. 4. Send a note signed by the parent or guardian with your child when he/she returns to school after any absence. 5. SEND A NOTE SIGNED BY A PHYSICIAN WHEN:
6. Contact the school nurse for information regarding the taking of medications at school. You and the physician prescribing the medication must complete the required request form. NO medications are to be taken at school, except when absolutely necessary for the critical health and well being of the student. 7. YOUR CHILD IS NOT TO CARRY ANY MEDICATIONS WITH HIM IN SCHOOL OR ON THE BUS. You as the parent must hand deliver them to the nurse. Thank your for your cooperation, Jennifer Sing, RN Julie Smith, CMA Tiffany Krippel, CNA
Special Information | |